On Camera Acting Coach & Casting Director, Channa Geldenhuys, had the honour to work alongside the very beautiful and talented Bollywood actress, Himarsha Venkatsamy over the past two days at LCA's professional 2 Day Weekend On-Camera Acting course in Cape Town. We were most humbled to welcome you on board our innovative class.
On Camera Acting coach & Casting Director, Channa Geldenhuys, welcomed LCA's May 2018 weekend course actors and artistes for the 2 Day intensive on-camera acting course for TVC's. What an amazing weekend with so much enthusiasm and fun as all the artistes delved into a brand new professional casting realm. You all achieved amazing results! Keep striving high!!
On Camera Coach, Channa Geldenhuys had the honour to work alongside the talented and enthusiastic models from across the board on April's 2 Day Intensive weekend course as they all completed 16 hours of on-camera techniques for TV Commercial casting auditions with flying colours!! Keep striving high and see you on our big screens soon!
Weston Boucher - Los Angeles Actor: "Channa is a true pro; as what’s better than having an actual working casting director lead a course?! I took a highly acclaimed 8 week commercial acting course back in Hollywood and I have to say that I walked away from LCA having applied and learned more while also feeling much more free to trust my own instincts. Channa leaves room for what you may want to work on for your own needs while also giving amazing insight and direction on a wide range of all you’ll likely encounter in the commercial acting realm. Here’s to more bookings!" Thanks Channa! -Weston | @westonboucher | WestonBoucher.com 🙏🏼😁
AuthorChanna Geldenhuys - Casting Director & On-Camera Acting Coach Archives
October 2022
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