Kids acting workshop - dates to be confirmed
We are very excited to invite your child star model to enroll and participate on this fun and inspiring short workshop program which will assist the child actor/model to gain confidence required for on-camera casting auditions as they learn various on-camera skills for various studio casting briefs.
This unique kids on-camera workshop is fun, imaginative and inspiring. It assists the child / actor on how to apply themselves in a studio casting as they learn to have fun working alongside casting directors in studio with the assistance of On-Camera Coach, Channa Geldenhuys, with over 24 years experience in the field.
LCA's Kid's on-camera workshop is a confidence booster, and assists the young artiste/s to gain the correct approach required for on-camera auditions as the artiste / actor / model learns various on-camera techniques for various types of briefs, as new confidence emerges for in-front of camera performances at moments notice by keeping the clients engaged on them.
LCA’s exclusive Kids on-camera workshop is aimed and structured to assist the child actor /model’s confidence and endurance whilst adhering to and working in front of camera during a casting audition. The child actor/model learns fundamental Do’s & Don’ts whilst having fun learning various on-camera casting techniques for both Self Tapes and studio castings, assisted by the casting coach to ensure positive results.
*All workshop performances are filmed for the individual’s personal development for performance Playbacks.